About US
Our Founder
I’m Carrie Robinson, Hairstylist, Salon Owner and the founder of Dòchas.
Being a Hairstylist is one of the most enjoyable, exciting and fulfilling experiences of my life. To say I’m passionate would be an understatement! Starting out my journey (waaaay back in 1999) like all newbies, I had goals and dreams of where I wanted my career to take me. Some of those dreams were realized and some of them sat untouched. We both know when a client calls needing an appointment, they immediately fly to the top of your to do list. When you serve that client well, they refer a new client, and then another and another. Those untouched dreams start collecting dust, and slowly but surely slip off the radar in comparison to the importance of serving a client.
But that’s what we live for right? To transform a client. To give her that boost of confidence, to see that look she gives herself in the mirror when she recognizes how beautiful she is and how amazing it makes her feel. How do you prioritize anything over that?
I was born an Entrepreneur. I don’t remember a time when I wasn’t thinking about how to build something, improve it and then watch it grow. Skills, businesses, employees, anything that would allow me to help more people.
I’ve always been incredibly passionate about education and once I started receiving questions from other professionals and salon owners, I knew I had something else of value I could share with others. So began my career as a Mentor and Coach!
I truly believe that everyone is capable of reaching whatever they dream of but most of the time we have to get out of our own way first. We may not realise we are holding ourselves back but this is the work that makes ALL. THE. DIFFERENCE.
You can enroll in all the courses you like. You can read all the books you can. It’s very possible you have what you need but still aren’t moving forward like you want to be.
What would it be like to have the support and accountability that coaching offers? Someone to ask all your questions, someone who introduces new ways of thinking? Someone to hold you accountable? What could you achieve that so far you’ve fallen short of?
It’s ok to ask for help! In fact, it is likely the best thing you could ever do!
Coaching can be life changing. As a longtime student of coaching I can tell you the results speak for themselves and I cannot wait for you to experience the power of it too!
When my Salon started offering Extension Services there were more and more products we needed at our disposal as Stylists, but couldn’t find exactly what we were looking for on the market. And I started thinking…..if we’re having trouble finding what we needed, then surely other professionals are too!
So Dòchas has grown to incorporate the Extension Tools and Haircare we needed to provide client services and made them available to all other Salon Professionals too.
Life can take us in far different directions than we ever imagined but this ride I’m on is hands down more rewarding than ever.
If I can help you, I want to. It’s just that simple.

Lead Extention Educator
I’m Jen Tod, Master Hairstylist and Lead Extention Educator for Dòchas.
First things first – I loooooooove long hair!! Obsessed.
So much so that even before I decided to dive into the world of hair extensions, I had built a following of clients with long and thick hair. There’s just something about the look and feel of healthy long hair. But – and its a big one – HEALTHY is the key word!
Working with clients who craved additional length taught me how imperative it was for their hair to be in top notch condition. Colour services and home care had to be spot on in order for them to reach their hair length goals. For some clients we could make it happen for them, but for many many others (especially those with finer and thinner hair types), even pulling out all the healthy hair tricks in the book, wasn’t enough for them to reach their length goals.
I’m a client service junkie at heart and making people happy fuels my passion. I wanted to do everything I could to make sure all clients could get the length and fullness they wanted so adding Extension services to my skillset was a natural step forward in my career.
But guess what? Nobody tells you that the learning curve is steep, and in all honesty, sometimes just plain discouraging. As a ‘seasoned’ Stylist, sometimes we can forget what its like to learn a new skill. The patience and practise it takes, the little nuances you learn simply from doing the services for client after client.
Certification is great, but the real learning comes afterward. In real client situations with all kinds of variables. This why it is so important to have not only your certification, but also a mentor to work through the variables with you.
So why do I share this? I’m supposed to be talking up how great doing extensions is right? It IS great and I absolutely love it, but I wouldn’t be doing my job as an Educator if I wasn’t honest.
What I do know is that partnering with a company, working their techniques while utilizing their hair and products, makes for an easier and more supported learning curve. Add in a mentor who remains available to support you in your work behind the chair and you’ve got a definite recipe for success!
Choosing to work as an Educator for Dòchas has been the next natural step forward for me. Helping to create the kind of education that can truly make the learning process easier for you, while working with products that I know first hand can back you up is also what fuels my passion!
Dòchas™ - 783 Dundas St. Woodstock, ON Canada, N4S 1G1
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